08:00 | Registration & welcome |
08:30-10:15 | The unstable shoulder Chairs: Siebenlist, Martetschläger |
Are Bankart repairs outdated? Rupp |
How to manage anterior glenoid-rim fractures Ockert |
Anterior instability with bone loss – Latarjet, Bone block and what else? Scheiderer |
LIVE-Demo: Bankart + Remplissage Braun |
Posterior shoulder Instability – diagnosis and treatment options Lacheta |
Discussion | |
10:15-10:45 | Coffee break |
10:45-12:00 | Small joints Chairs: Lacheta, Braun |
Management of acute acromioclavicular joint instability Münch |
Management of chronic acromioclavicular joint instability Beitzel |
How I deal with lateral clavicle fractures Fialka |
Sternoclavicular joint repair and reconstruction Martetschläger |
Discussion | |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch break & workshops |
13:00-15:00 | Rotator cuff Chairs: Scheiderer, Fialka |
Arthroscopic subscapularis and biceps management Otto |
Arthroscopic supraspinatus repair Pogorzelski |
Optimizing healing in arthroscopic rotator cuff repair Scheibel |
Irreparable tears – Partial repair Scheiderer |
Irreparable tears – Tendon transfers Siebenlist |
LIVE-Demo: RC repair Beitzel |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee break |
15:30-17:00 | Osteoarthritis Chairs: Siebenlist, Scheibel |
Decision-making process – which implant should we use? Lacheta |
PSI guides, augmented/ mixed reality & custom-made implants Siebenlist |
RSA – From Grammont to Robotics Scheibel |
Management of glenoid bone loss in RSA Siebenlist |
Proximal humeral fracture – Plate osteosynthesis vs. RSA Fialka |
Discussion |
08:30-10:15 | The unstable elbow Chairs: Müller, Siebenlist |
Reading the image material Wörtler |
„Simple“ elbow dislocation – always conservative? Siebenlist |
Complex elbow dislocation – the Wrightington approach Watts |
LUCL reconstruction – experiences & evolution Thiele |
LIVE-Demo: UCL reconstruction Burkhart |
Discussion | |
10:15-10:45 | Coffee break |
10:45-12:00 | The stiff elbow Chairs: Mader, Wegmann |
(Osteo)chondral defects causing pain & stiffness – how to deal with? Watts |
Elbow contracture release – arthroscopic procedure Greiner |
The posttraumatic stiff elbow – this only works openly Adolfsson |
Osteoarthritis – Salvage procedures Wegmann |
Discussion | |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch break & workshops |
13:00-14:15 | Elbow tendon problems Chairs: Greiner, Burkhart |
Lateral epicondylitis – Debridement made easy Siebenlist |
Medial elbow pain – Epicondylitis, snapping ulnaris or triceps or all? Lenich |
Distal biceps repair Otto |
Distal triceps repair Lacheta |
Discussion | |
14:15-14:45 | Coffee break |
14:45-16:15 | Elbow fractures Chairs: Watts, Adolfsson |
LIVE-Demo on stage: Radial head fracture – ORIF and arthroplasty Müller |
Monteggia (like) fractures Wegmann |
Distal humerus fractures – Hemiarthroplasty or Total elbow Adolfsson |
Posttraumatic deformities – Good planning is half the battle Mader |
Discussion & Goodbye |
08:30 | Welcome Arthrex Cafeteria |
09:00-10:30 | LBS | Bankart-Repair
ASK | Plica resection |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00-12:30 | RCR | subacromial
ASK | cartilage treatment |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break |
13:30-15:00 | AC-Joint | Latarjet
OATS | distaler Bizeps |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee break |
15:30-16:15 | Arthroplasty
LUCL-/MUCL-Repair |
16:15 | Farewell |
Bayerische Landesärztekammer
Der Munich International Shoulder and Elbow Course ist von der Bayrischen Landesärztekammer für den Theorieteil am 30.09.-01.10.2024 mit 15 Punkten. Kategorie A zertifiziert.
Fortbildungsstunden für das Curriculum Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie
Der Kurs ist für das Curriculum Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie (Altes Curriculum) sowie für das Basis- & Expertencurriculum (Neues Curriculum) zertifiziert.
Modul 1: Grundlagen operativer und konservativer Techniken an Schulter und Ellenbogen – 0.25 h
Modul 2: Degenerative Pathologien des Schulter-/Ellenbogengelenks – 1.5 h
Modul 3: Verletzungen des Schulter-/Ellenbogengelenks – 1.75 h
Modul 4: Fehlstellungen & Frakturfolgezustände des Schulter-/Ellenbogengelenks – 2 h
Modul 5: Entzündliche Pathologien des Schulter-/Ellenbogengelenks – 0.75 h
Modul 6: Prothetik am Schulter-/Ellenbogengelenk – 1.5 h
Modul la: Theorie: Fortgeschrittene operative Techniken – 3 h
Modul lb: Praxis: Fortgeschrittene operative Techniken – 3 h
Modul lla: Theorie: Komplikationsmanagement und Revisionschirurgie – 1.5 h
Modul llb: Praxis: Komplikationsmanagement und Revisionschirurgie – 3 h